Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Congratulations all! Hug yourselves dearly...for i am back. :)

Now i feel like Garfield when he performs. But at least he's really funny. And contrary to what Manas Ullas chooses to believe, i am funny. And it's not only in my choice of tattoo. Really.

So this weekend i was in Himachal Pradesh. I was allowed to assume (very cruelly) that here at last..is an opportunity for me to use my two very nice, very new sweaters! But as it turned out, the only use they were of..was making my bag extremely full and round. Because Himachal Pradesh was warmer than Mumbai. Bleh. However, it made up for the sad weather quite well by displaying good taste in decor. I mean...the place was bloody nice to look at. I couldn't even resist the urge to take pictures on my rotten camera phone.


malted socktail said...

whaaa?? u went to himachal...so now ms. bollywoods become too hot shot to even tell friends is it ??

Rasika said...

when garfield performs, he gets shoes thrown and abuses hurled at him..

Usha said...

@ mandi: you waste ur time flirting wen im talking..what do u expect to hear?

@ratty: i KNOW. thats what i meant. but the point is...garfelid thinks he's great..despite the abuse :D

Usha said...

i think im turning into an enigma..nobody gets me these days :P

malted socktail said...

himachal too...
man ure going places aint u
despite being not so hard to get and all those things u mentioned in ure enxt post :P

malted socktail said...

oh u replied tooo
flirtin with u ... !! ??

i know were u re ears were when i was talkin tho, so no comments!!

Usha said...

fliritn with SOMEONE else...which is why u never hear a thing i say!