Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Attempt To Be A Good Soul

I know. In my last post I bitched about well-nourished aggressive folks. It didn't go down too well with the masses. (Pun intended). I also claimed to dislike Very Nice People. But I've put all that past me now. And decided to be a Good Soul.

Being a Good Soul can be very damaging. Reputation wise. It can also give you the appearance of a doormat. Overnight. Which is why one must be careful not to publicize the recently acquired halo. Writing a blog about it is okay, because the people who read it are usually not in you immediate vicinity. (And if they do happen to be in it, they usually don't say nice things about you anyway, so they aren't likely to talk about it.)With such clever strategy I plan to now embark on a new, polished little path of rainbows and fluff.

Day 1 will involve avoiding being nasty.

Day 2 will be a more difficult step, smiling even at fake people. (This might make me fake as well, so it is slightly hypocritical, but I intend to smile genuinely, so... ha-ha!)

If these two days go well, I'll think up a plan for the rest of the tiresome week. (Tiresome, said in a glowing, positive way of course).


Anonymous said...

Winning self i.e, the toughest.
Goodluck :-)

Anshuman Manur said...

Watch out, don't become too nice... Those kinds are boring!

Vishnu Raghav said...

"Being a Good Soul can be very damaging. Reputation wise. It can also give you the appearance of a doormat."

Very true.. :)

To establish this halo I adopted teetotalism, which seems uncool on the surface and end up being a 'doormat' in social gatherings....

However we always have the last laugh!! :P