Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Santa that stole christmas
Unfortunately, I am aware that most of you might need a password to open this link. However, I can always explain. The link carries an ad, of the kind we all need to pull up our socks and pay attention to. Every sort of media, I'm aware, is being bombarded by messages about global warming, we are warned, re warned and then rudely informed that all hope is lost anyway. And there are still people who refuse to wake up. Let's just say they are slow on the uptake. It took ME (with my superior Stella Maris variety of intelligence) quite a while to blog about it.
Well, anyway, this ad, is "tactical", perfectly poised on the brink of Christmas. Heartwarmingly, about Santa Claus who is homeless. Why? 'Cause the north pole has melted. It might be ironical that Santa himself was created by advertising. But sometimes, advertising, doesn't seem like such a monster does it? It even manages to warm the cockles of your heart. Unless you are Al Ries, who wrote a whole book on the "Fall of advertising". No, i didn't bother reading it. You see, I'm too busy grinning stupidly every time i watch a good ad.

1 comment:

sgm said...

Aap kaafi accha likh leti hain!